Saturday, August 8, 2009

Garage sale...

Garage sale is a time to sort out what you need, what you want and what is meaningful...and I'm talking about "stuff" here, but it also is an opportunity to sort all the same criteria about your life. So many people say that garage sales are so much work...(yes), but they're also SO much fun ! Maybe that's because I had great friends helping and whenever, wherever we are together:it equals FUN ! So things got sorted, sold and some money made...Stuff that I don't need anymore is gone, but more memories that I'll hold onto forever were made. Thanks dear friends for your help with the "stuff" and for being there for me!!

1 comment:

  1. Sarah, Cayden, Molly and I had a blast at the garage sale!! And we all came home with some new STUFF of our own!!! Thanks Roxi!
