Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Reason to be excited.....

Just look at the cute belly.....and my favorite: the HANDS. I love how Selena's hand is holding ever so lightly, her baby belly. And oh, the beautiful hands of mommy and daddy to be!

Oh and this precious baby belly; again. He's so busy, dancing, pressing his little bottom OUT, stretching and practicing for his big debut. But on this day, friends and family are celebrating the new baby to be. We are all excited to meet, to hold and to cherish this little guy !

These two will have been married for 6 years in August. They've been looking forward to becoming a family and I know that their baby will be in good hands !

Selena has always been good at growing things....a garden, beautiful flowers....and now, she's almost finished "growing" her Baby "M" ! We are all so EXCITED and look forward to seeing
their dream of being a family, come true !


  1. So very sweet, thank you, I love seeing that belly on the other side of the camera.. it's a very different view looking down on him everyday :) He's filling out and making me round... love it! We're in full nest mode here at the Murtaugh house.. scurrying around with all the little todo's so that we can just sit and hold him when he gets here!

  2. Beautiful... baby belly, Selena, Chad and you Grandma! What a sweet post! I can hardly wait for the call!
