All is well. What a great thing to be able to say and really feel. Not that I have been experiencing any trauma, ill health, or major problem. I've just been in a "mom" worry mode and my worries have been lifted. Just wanted to share the peaceful "ahhhhhhh" moments that have been filtering thru my life like a ray of sunshine! I'm sooo grateful!
Chad has been rehired after a few weeks of being laid off. Ahhhhhh !!!! Weeks of worry, and searching have ended. BUt the reality of the economic changes in our country really did hit home. Chad had been working hard, always going to work early, staying late, going above and beyond his duties as they say. Also after being at his job for nearly 5 years, he was (rightfully so) feeling "safe" and didn't think that he would be affected by any future layoffs.....definitely a shock. The comfort of a routine and pay-check are back in his life. Ahhhhh, so happy for the Tulsa Murtaughs' . They will be staying in Tulsa near family and friends, at least for the foreseeable future.
Missy and Jason have returned safely from their travels to New Zealand. Another Ahhhhhhhhh. We're so happy that they had some incredible adventures ! I'm certainly looking forward to seeing them, sharing their pictures and stories of their journey.
So, my heart is happy and just wanted to share, a big thank you to friends and family who have let me tell them about my concerns and worries, and have even so often, asked how my family is. I'm very grateful, and appreciate so very much ! Ahhhh, all is well !!!!
Ahhhh,,, that's all so great, isn't it???