Friday, October 28, 2011

Love for every day !

The everyday-ness of being with a grandchild is something very while I'm staying with "my boys", either in Oklahoma or New Jersey, I treasure those day to day times. I AM and "airport Grandma". And I'm very, very lucky to be able to travel to be with Levi and Grayer and their families !! Now, Levi's hair trim was something that was MORE than just an everyday kind of event. Levi turned 1 years old and that was a planned time for the long "side burns" to be cut...Grandma Cheryl did the honors and Levi did a great job sitting still for her.

A favorite EVERDAY fun time when I'm with Levi, is to go to the mall and play in the play area. It's like his social hour when he can do some exploring with little games, a little slide and also learn how to play with others. He does a lot of watching when BIG kids are there. He's also learning to move quickly to get out of their way.

Hugs and Kisses are abundant everyday and this Grandma LOVES to get her share ! Levi's mama and dada are hugged and kissed to pieces EVERYDAY.

This Levi smile, is the one that just LIGHTS up when he sees his special people ! He is the BEST start to every day !!

The walks and little adventures along the way are part of every day... Levi seems to be enjoying being 1 years old and all the things to learn. He loves books, loves to be read to as well as "read" by himself. He's learning to walk around furniture, he's learning the tastes of different foods and learning that bed time and nap time aren't so bad :) So much to learn every day !

This Grandma is one lucky Grandma to have such love for every day when I'm visiting my little loves and I have enough love and memories to take home with me, to last til the next time !!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Such a love !

Such a face.......

Such fun......

Such a smile...

Such a laugh.....

Has filled my heart !!! Happy 1st birthday Levi Andrew ! You are my sunshine on a cloudy day....and I love you through and through !