Monday, August 23, 2010

Weekend adventures

What a great weekend for the Murtaugh/Sonners family !!! We all had great adventures and were able to share them...gotta love the computer/hi-tech world ! Rick and I were in New Jersey visiting Missy and Jason. Missy, Rick and I went to a wolf sanctuary on Saturday to visit and check it out. What a wonderful, safe place this is for wolf-dogs to "belong" until someone can adopt them.

Missy is standing by Sampson. A beautiful Malmute/wolf mix. Sampson LOVES fig newtons and will take them out of your mouth if you feel like attempting that.

I decided to join in...these wolf/dogs love to be scratched and petted just like any dog.
Some of the animals here were more wolf than dog. This wolf was very friendly and used to people. Rick wasn't too worried.

This wolf/dog jumped right up on this little building right behind Missy. Maybe this wolf/dog just wanted to get into the picture too?!

While we were exploring the wolf sanctuary in New Jersey, Chad and Selena were busy celebrating their 5th anniversary . Chad and Selena ran in a Tatur Mud Run on Saturday. A fundraiser of the Tulsa Fire Departments'. A large group of friends and sister Christina and niece, Angel participated in the fun.

Selena, Chad and friends decided to dress up Prom style for the run. Gowns and mens wear, along with bow ties were found at the Goodwill and were definitely great additions to the festivities.

Obstacle courses, big mud puddles, etc. made the event a big challenge.
The firemen hosed off the runners which had to be great with all the mud collected along
the way! The temperature was in the low 100's also - whew ! What a great day and a great way for the firemen to raise money to sponsor a camp for children who have been burned .
It's always difficult to say good-bye...thanks Missy and Jason for the great time! Take good care of each other and your very special little belly/baby ! You're already such a cute little family !
Happy Anniversary you two ! You look marvelously muddy during your run, and marvelously
beautiful in your "Prom" outfits !

How very lucky are we?!! We've got great "kids" who know how to share the fun and to keep our family close even through the miles! Thank you Chad and Selena and Jason and Missy!
You are awesome!!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Happy Anniversary

Hard to believe that it's been 5 years since Chad and Selena got married !!! REALLY, 5 years?
There has been a lot happening in their lives, lots of growing, changes, and leaps of faith for
them both. Adjustments a plenty, that's for sure! All of the changes and challenges are really
what make you who you are, as an individual and certainly, as a couple. Thank you to Chad for bringing Selena into our lives and making our family even better because of her. Thank you to
Selena, for seeing something very special in Chad, special enough to agree to be his wife, and
for making his future something worth working so hard for. You both have learned a lot in the
last 5 years and all those lessons will serve you well in the years ahead ! Happy anniversary and happy future! We love you !!!file:///Users/roximurtaugh/Desktop/35234_1440745992630_1652480886_31075849_4905857_s.jpg